I Trading Systemer Brisbane

Transportbånd Transportsystemer Fra fabrikker til flyplassens sikkerhetslinjer og mye mer i mellom har bruken av transportbånd på arbeidsplasser blitt stadig mer utbredt i mange bransjer. De letter jevn og sømløs arbeidsflyt i industri - og kundeservicenæringer, hvor arbeidstakere kanskje trenger å oppfylle minimumskvoter i kunder som serveres eller produkter monteres som en del av kvartalsvise årlige vurderinger. Med en rekke alternativer tilgjengelig, inkludert automatiserte og manuelle drevne transportsystemer, er Richmond Australias fremste leverandør av industrielle transportbånd og tilbehør. Vi tilbyr høyteknologiske industrielle transportsystemer til bedrifter ikke bare i Melbourne, Sydney og Brisbane, men andre steder i Australia som Adelaide, Perth og Darwin. Transportbånd Transportbånd er en viktig del av en rekke næringer, spesielt de som bruker materialhåndteringssystemer eller har emballasjebehov. Dette skyldes hovedsakelig at transportsystemer letter rask, enkel og enkel transport av mange materialer på et gitt tidspunkt. Takket være deres automatiserte natur kan transportsystemer også redusere manuell arbeid i stor grad, noe som resulterer i økt produktivitet. Blant bransjene som vanligvis bruker transportsystemer for å forbedre effektiviteten av deres arbeid, er: Automotive Agricultural Computing Elektronikk Matvarebehandling Farmasøytisk Kjemikalier Tapping Canning Emballasje Og mye mer Strøm dine forretningsmonteringsoperasjoner ved å installere et transportsystem på arbeidsplassen din. Ta kontakt med Richmond for å finne ut mer. Egenskaper av våre transportører Våre transportsystemer og løsninger inkluderer alle en rekke avanserte funksjoner, med mange av disse som er knyttet til sikkerhet. Vårt engasjement for å levere sikre, effektive og høykvalitets produkter er det som skiller oss fra andre leverandører på markedet. I tillegg til å levere hele transportsystemer, kan vi også gi transportbånd og kjøre komponenter for å sikre jevn drift. Hvis du trenger separate komponenter i et transportsystem, kommer rammene våre i en rekke bredder og lengder som passer til ulike behov. Produsert av tungt rustfritt stål og andre metallmaterialer, de er designet for å motstå nesten alle forhold. Vi lager også et bredt utvalg av transportbånd som er designet for å holde opp til en viss vekt. Før du legger inn bestillingen, må du kontrollere at rullene du velger, passer for deres spesielle bruk. Du kan bestille noe produkt fra vårt brede utvalg av automatiserte transportbånd, beltetransportører og polstrede kjedebåndstransportører for å få dem levert uansett hvor du vil i Australia, enten du er i Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide eller Darwin. Transportørsystemfordeler I tillegg til å øke produktiviteten og effektivisere forretningsprosessene på arbeidsplassen, tilbyr transportsystemer et vell av flere fordeler. Enkelheten i hvilken de kan monteres, enten inne eller ute, betyr at de kan brukes nesten hvor som helst, avhengig av deres størrelse og om de trenger en strømkilde. De kan konfigureres til nesten hvilken som helst formasjon, med båndbøyninger som gjør at du kan styre retningen til samlebåndet. Og selvfølgelig er det de massive sikkerhetsfordelene som kommer fra reduksjonen i materialhåndtering av mennesker til fordel for bruk av et transportsystem. Hvorfor velge Richmond At Richmond har vi mange års erfaring med produksjon av transportbånd og andre materialer, slik at vi kan levere alle slags transportørløsninger til våre kunder. Vi har også grundig kunnskap om transportdesign og drivkomponenter, slik at vi kan tilby high-end-produkter til konkurransedyktige priser uavhengig av bransjen. Var i stand til å levere følgende transportsystemer og produkter over hele Australia: Gravity conveyors, inkludert gravity rammer og bøyer Rollers Flex og belte conveyors Drev alternativer, inkludert drivlinje aksel og flex transportsystemer Kjør komponenter, inkludert stands, balloverføringer, skate skinner, flyt skinner og mer Forespørsel i dag Hvis du er interessert i å lære mer om våre transportsystemer, ikke nøl med å komme i kontakt med oss ​​i dag. Send inn en forespørsel online med dine opplysninger eller ring oss på 1300 474 246 og snakk med et medlem av vårt vennlige team. Richmond leverer transportsystemer, komponenter og tilbehør Australia til Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide og Darwin, så bla gjennom vårt komplette produktserie og legg bestillingen din hos oss today. Trend Following Investment Research: Flaggskipspakke Folk vil ikke ha mer informasjon. De er opp til øyenbrynene i informasjon. De vil ha tro. Tro på deg, dine mål, din suksess og i historien forteller du. Gode ​​råd burde ikke koste en formue Sannheten om å investere er ikke det de lærer i skolen eller hva megleren vet: Markedsgrunnlag er aldri helt kjent. Ekspertspådommer er myntvinner. Mutualfond som bare tjener på oppadrettingen når markeder går ned. Lang eneste verdipapirfond ser investorer som karakterer. Gebyrer for aksjefond er en svindel som koster en formue. Nul eller negativ pris er det permanent riggete systemet. Klassisk teknisk analyse og kartlesing er voodoo. Globale regjeringer jobber aktivt mot pensjonister og sparere. Wall Street utvikler alltid markedskrasjer akkurat som den siste. Verdiløst råd har vært det vanlige svaret på disse problemene. Michael Covel fornyet noe helt nytt. Tilbringe en utrolig mengde tid, forskning og penger han utviklet handelssystemer som løser disse problemene. Hans investeringsregler fungerer like på alle markeder og i alle land - regler du kan handle fra en ørkenøya. De gir sjansen for store penger i oksen. Bjørn . svarte svane - og krasjmarkeder. Det hele startet med viktige sannheter som ble gitt av en glimrende mentor: Ingen kan forutsi fremtiden. Hvis du kan ta det ville, være, være, være ute av markeder og se på hva som faktisk skjer, har du stor fordel. Det som betyr mest kan måles, så alltid telle. Du trenger ikke å vite når noe vil skje for å vite at det vil skje. Prisene kan bare gå opp, ned eller sidelengs. Tap er en del av livet. Det er bare nå. så følg trenden. Trend Following Flagship er Michaels trinnvis løsning for å generere massive avkastninger på tvers av alle markeder. Det harde arbeidet har blitt gjort Michael gjør det kjedelige arbeidet og sorterer gjennom de rå dataene for å finne de viktigste innsiktene du trenger å vite og forstå om Trend Følgende investerer. Du mottar hans beste Trend Følgende anbefalinger og ideer til å søke om din konto for potensielt fortjeneste umiddelbart: Garanti. Du vil vite når du skal gå inn, når du skal avslutte, hvor mye du skal satse på hver handel og hvordan du velger en portefølje. Garantert. Les full garanti her. En-of-a-kind. Innsikt er over det smale emnet for systematisk trendfølge. Hans flaggskip er en kontinuerlig forskningsinnsats for å trekke sammen gode trend trading teknikker. Best i klassen . Trend Følgende systemer er direkte fra legendariske trendhandlere. Disse proprietære regler er forankret i et uovertruffen nettverk. Tiden din er verdifull. Konkurrerende og motstridende stemmer blather 247 i mainstream media. Velg feil stemme og du kan gå i stykker. Du får trinnvis instruksjon. Konkurranse. For mange såkalte markedseksperter er rett og slett gratis informasjon. Data alene går ingen steder. Det er ingen analyse. Det er ingen visdom. Trend Følgende flaggskip svarer på spørsmål du må vite: Portefølje. Hvilket marked kjøper du eller selger Bet Sizing. Hvor mye av et marked handler du Entry. Når kjøper eller selger du et marked Exit. Når forlater du en tapt handelsutgang. Når avslutter du en vinnende handel Said en annen måte: Hva er markedets tilstand Hva er volatiliteten i markedet Hva handles din egenkapital Hva er din handelsorientering Hva er din risikofilitet Gjør ingen feil, Trend Følgende er mental sport , men det er sport som kan læres, det vil si TurtleTraders. Du trenger ikke å være et matematisk geni for å være Trend Following trader. Gode ​​handelsregler er ikke kompliserte. En berømt trendfølger på sin enkelhet (40 års track record): Jeg er veldig ubehagelig med svart bokhandel der jeg behandler algoritmer jeg ikke forstår. Alt vi gjør kan vi gjøre på baksiden av en konvolutt med blyant. Det er veien å tenke på. For eksempel, antar GOOG handler mellom 650 og 670. Plutselig hopper GOOG, eller bryter ut, til et prisnivå på 700. Den typen oppadgående bevegelse fra et område er en utløser - oppføringen. Du kan kanskje si at jeg ikke vet om GOOG skal fortsette, men det har gått sidelengs i seks måneder, og plutselig har prisen hoppet til 700 og en ny seks måneders høyeste høyde. Du argumenterer ikke med markedet, du sier bare Im. Det er trenden etter å tenke. Et nøkkeldiagram viser vår trend Følgende leksjoner: Vurder dette diagrammet: Markeder du kan handle Våre systemer kan brukes til følgende markeder og instrumenter: Markeder og instrumenter som er oppført, er prøver. Trend følger for alle markeder. Du vil lære nøyaktige regler Våre proprietære Trend Følgende systemer svarer: Hvordan går du inn og ut når som helst Hvordan automatiserer du din handel Hvordan stiller du stopper for hver posisjon Hvordan justerer du stopper når handler er å vinne? Hvordan tar du deg? et tap for å unngå et større tap Hvordan balanserer du både lange og korte posisjoner Hvordan justerer du handler for akkumulert ny fortjeneste Hvordan regner du for volatilitet Hvordan justerer du porteføljen din under en vinnende strikke Hvordan justerer du risiko etter hvert som kontoen din vokser Hvordan beskytter du mot ekstreme ulemper Bevegelser Hvordan justerer du posisjonene dine for volatilitet Hvordan håndterer du den psykologiske komponenten Hvordan velger du en portefølje Trend Følgende systemer er omvendt konstruert: Hvordan handler du med trenden og aldri ignorerer det Hvordan modellerer du oppførselen til store handelsfolk Hvordan håndterer du og omfavner risiko med en opportunistisk plan Hvordan bruker du en sjekkliste for å kvantifisere din handelsplan Hvordan gjør du y ou trade off av dagens pris bare Hvordan unngår du å kjøpe fallende markeder Hvordan vet du når du skal være ute av markedet Hvordan vet du når du skal selge før du noen gang kjøper Hvordan planlegger du mentalt for ditt worst case scenario til enhver tid Hvordan identifiserer du en portefølje og rangerer dem for valg Hvordan handler du med en liten konto Hvor mye handler du hver gang Når vil du øke posisjonen Hvor mye risikerer du til enhver tid Hvordan vurderer du total markedsrisiko Hvordan kan du diversifiser kontoen din Hvordan unngår du korrelasjon mellom markeder Kort sagt, trenden etter handelsmenn handler ikke bare for store pengepotensialer på opp, ned og overraskende markeder - de klarer også deres potensial for tap og kontroll mer av fritiden sin. Flaggskip Produkt Innhold Flaggskipsproduktet kommer inn i (4) stykker: FEDEX kjernehåndbøker. Vimeo videoer. Dropbox med tilleggsveiledninger, lyd og video. Støtte: Personlig støtte via e-post. Detaljert produkt innhold: Proprietary Trend Following Systems Du vil motta proprietær trend Følgende trading systemer: Classic I Trend Følgende Trading System. Classic II Trend Følgende Trading System. Classic III Trend Følgende Trading System. Stoic Weekly Trend Følgende Trading System. Merk: Risikostyring for alle systemer tilpasset risikotoleransen. Supplerende ressurser i trenden Følgende Dropbox Trenden Følgende Dropbox er en ressurssamling som gir videre Trend Følgende leksjoner og systemer. Tredjeparts White PaperResources (Kun flaggskip) EXCEL-regneark (kun flaggskip) (5) EXCEL regneark for volatilitet. (5) EXCEL regneark for korrelasjon. (4) EXCEL regneark for handelslogger. (4) EXCEL regneark for risikostyring. Treningsmateriell (kun flaggskip) Trend Følgende spørsmål og svar (44 sider). Markedsgrunnleggende for introduksjon, ordre, spekulasjon, nomenklatur, etc. (300 QA). Tredjeparts trend etter video utdrag (14 videoer). Tredjeparts video utdrag med topp trend tilhenger (11 videoer). Vårt supportteam svarer på 95 av e-post innen 24-48 timer. Alle kunder har tilgang til støtte i 12-18 måneder. Som med din CPA eller advokat får du de nødvendige svarene. Dette er bygget rett inn i flaggskipprisen. Ingen ekstra støttegebyr. Du kan også lære Trend Følgende hvor som helst: kontor, hjemme eller på veien. Du vil alltid vite: Hva er markedsmuligheten i markedet nisje Hva er løsningen din for å slå markedet Hvor stor er muligheten Hvordan tjener du penger Hvordan handler du markedet og fortjenesten Hva er konkurransen Hvordan går det bedre Hvordan vil du du utfører og administrerer din investering Hva er risikoen din Hvorfor vil du lykkes Gratis online informasjon er overveldende. Det er et minefelt. Michaels lojale kunder stoler på at han ser gjennom støyen. Merk . Nye forhandlere mottar handelsbegrepet (dvs. bokanbefalinger, problemstillinger til å vurdere, Holy Grails eksponert, megleranbefalinger, klok bakgrunnsavlesning, nettsteder for å absorbere). Disse innsiktene gir nye handelsmenn behov for selvtillit. Hva Everyones Saying Trend Following er en strategi for alle: Splinterny investorer og handelsfolk. Profesjonelle og institusjonelle investorer og handelsmenn. Brent kjøpe og hold investorer som søker et alternativ. Aksjer, FX (Forex), ETFs, varer, LEAPs og futures tradere. Fondforvaltere og RIAer. Tekniske forhandlere og diagrammer. Studenter. Pensjonister skadet av ZIRP og NIRPs sentralbankpolicyer. Alle som søker over gjennomsnittlig fortjeneste i opp, ned eller overraskende markeder. Michaels uovertruffen forskning forlater kundene sterkt lojale. De betaler direkte for den utvendige boksen visdom. Det er ingen skjulte dagsordener. Merk . Plassering av våre kunder (toppland): USA, Storbritannia, Tyskland, Singapore, Australia, Brasil, Sør-Afrika og Malaysia. Våre kunder etter land (i 70 land), selskap og universitet gir alle investorer tillit. Trend Følgende filosofi du vil lære i flaggskip, vil du også lære: Trading. Traders er forskjellige. De har en definert strategi for profitt i alle klima. Trend etter handelsmenn bryr seg ikke hva de kjøper eller selger så lenge de tjener penger. Absolutt Returns. Trend Følgende har over gjennomsnittet ytelse de siste 7 tiårene. Potensialet for sammensatt rikdom er enormt. Opp og Ned Trender. Trend Følgende gjør penger i opp eller ned markeder, tyr eller bjørn. Tail Risk. Michaels unike trendstrategi utfører over gjennomsnittet når markedsbobler poper, når Black Swan kommer. For eksempel trenden følgende gjorde store penger under Stock Crash (197374), Black Monday (1987), Barings Bank (1995), LTCM amp Asian Crisis (1998), Stock Crash (2000-02), 911 (2001), Great Tilbakeslag (2008-09), Oljemarked (2014-16) og Brexit (2016). Portefølje Diversifisering. Trend Følgende avkastning er ukorrelert til tradisjonelle investeringer. Fungerer på alle markeder. Trend Følger handler ikke ett marked alene. Ineffektive markeder. Trend Følgende går imot akademisk tull i den effektive markedshypotesen (EMH). Forskning . Trend Følgende har vunnet i århundrer. Se gjennom tredjepartsforskningen: PDF 1 og PDF 2. Nurture Beats Nature. Vinnerhandlere har ikke et spesielt gen, guddommelig gave, medfødt talent, innsiden av kunnskap eller stor startkapital. Alt flyter. Trendfølgere reagerer på markedsbevegelser og følger med - uten en historie om hvorfor. Statistisk tenkning er paramount. Under en Monday Night Football-spill, satt Ron Jaworski tall i perspektiv: Spilleoppringning handler om sannsynlighet, ikke sikkerhet. Markedsbobler. Den mytologiske 100 års flommen skjer hele tiden. Siden 1929 har det vært 18 markedskrasjer - alltid forankret i irrasjonell utryddelse. Grunnlag er religion. Å omskrive trader Paul Tudor Jones: Illusjonen er opprettet at det er en forklaring på hvert marked med den primære oppgaven å finne den forklaringen. Trend Følgende trenger ikke nyheter, grunnleggende eller diagrammønstre. Det er ikke dagshandel. Markedet er aldri feil. Folk pine nonstop for markedet å gå sin retning, deretter henge på og be itll komme tilbake hvis det ikke går til deres favør. Markedet er aldri galt. Du må satse på å vinne. Ta en stor risiko hvis du vil ha en stor belønning. Hvis du vil ha en gjennomsnittlig belønning, ta en gjennomsnittlig risiko. Ingen baller, ingen babyer. Men, som Larry Hite sa, Ikke satse din deli for å vinne en pickle. Beats Beats Outcome. Ønsker du å være rett eller rik Du har virkelig ingen kontroll over resultatene du har kontroll over handlingen din. Du kan bare kontrollere hvor mye du mister. Tenk som Kenny Rogers. Hvis du må spille, må du bestemme tre ting i starten: spillets regler, innsatsen og avslutningen. Du må vite når du skal holde dem. Vet når du skal kaste em. Vet når du skal gå bort. Vet når du skal løpe. Behavioral biases. Lærdommene fra de største handelspsykologeproffene er en del av Trend Following. Se podcasten. Lær å elske tap. P. T. Barnum berømt sagt, denne veien til egressen Hvis den berømte handelsmannen Amos Hostetter mistet 25 prosent hedavgang: Glem ikke osten. La meg ut av fellen. Teknologi er ingen elskerinne. Pablo Picasso berømt sagt, datamaskiner er ubrukelige. De kan bare gi deg svar. Start med å svare på dine daglige markedsspørsmål på forhånd. Automatiserende svar er den enkle delen. Zero Sum Battles er livet. Hvis du skal vinne, vil noen andre miste. Går overlevelse av de sterkeste gjør deg urolig Hold deg unna nullsummen (PDF). Hero Dedskap dreper kontoer. Når TV-kunder sier at det er på tide å kjøpe Google eller dumpe Apple, følger millioner av tilfeldige råd blindt. Ikke drikk Kool-Aid. Kjøp og hold (Håper) er død. Kjøp og hold arbeid for investorer som lever for alltid. Det virker også for de som tror på magisk tenkning og elendig støv. Fond og kosmetikk: De selger begge håp. Ingen balanseark. Det spiller ingen rolle om du handler aksjer eller soyabønner: Trading handles, og navnet på spillet er å tjene penger, ikke få en A i Slik leser du en balanse Ingen topper og bunner. Trend følger mål for å fange midten, eller kjøttet, av en markedstendens, opp eller ned, for fortjeneste. Du vil aldri komme inn på den absolutte bunnen eller gå ut på den absolutte toppen. Har markeder endret Ikke bare har markeder endret seg, de vil fortsette å forandre: Hvis du har en gyldig markedsfilosofi, lærer du å akseptere den endringen og strømme med den, er din største ressurs. Uansett hvor latterlig markedsbevegelser dukker opp i begynnelsen, og uansett hvor lengre eller irrasjonelle de ser på slutten, er følgende trender det rasjonelle valget i en kaotisk, forandringsverden. Det var hvordan eieren av Red Sox gjorde sin trend etter lykke. Sann virkelighet. Hvis du vil tjene penger på et hvilket som helst marked, må du speilere hva markedet gjør. Andre ting som er like, desto lengre blir du rett med markedet, jo mer penger vil du gjøre. Jo lenger du blir galt med markedet, jo mer penger vil du miste. Pris gjør Markets det samme. Du trenger ikke å vite noe om obligasjoner. Du trenger ikke å forstå forskjellige valutaer. De er bare tall. Korn er litt annerledes enn obligasjoner, men ikke forskjellig nok til å handle dem annerledes. Noen mennesker har et annet system for hvert marked. Det er absurd. Du handler mobpsykologi. Du handler ikke mais, soyabønner eller SampP. Du er bare handelsnumre. Ingen skjønn. Du kan ikke teste eller simulere hvordan du følte deg når du kom ut av sengen for 15 år siden når du ser på historiske simuleringer. Hvis du skal handle med et system, må du slaviskt bruke systemet og unngå diskretionære overstyrelser. Du gjør hva i helvete systemet sier, uansett hvor smart eller dum du kanskje tror det er i det øyeblikket. Riktig innsats. Hvis du har 100 000 og du vil handle Gull, vel, hvor mye av 100 000 vil du handle med Gull på din første handel Vil du handle alle 100 000 Hva hvis du er galt Hva om du er galt på en stor måte, og du mister hele 100.000 på ett spill Ikke smart. Frivillig avtale. Den viktigste faktoren når markedet går imot deg, er i stand til å si: Im out Du trenger en fortaltingsavtale med markedet. Det betyr at tiden til å tenke mest tydelig om når du vil avslutte er før du noen gang kommer inn. Home Run Trades. En trend etter baseball trener ville nærme seg det som den tidligere lederen av Baltimore Orioles: Earl Weaver designet sine forbrytelser for å maksimere sjansen for en tre-run homer. Weaver gjorde ikke bunt eller vil ha gutter som slapped singler. Han ville ha gutter som slo store hjemløyper. The Babe Ruth Parallel. Babe Ruth slo ut mye, men han var en av baseballs største sluggers. Hans hjemmekurs gjorde opp for strikeouts. Trend Følgende fanger Babe Ruth hjemme løp. Bevæpnet uten høyskole grad han gjorde sin formue med trenden etter og kjøpte Red Sox. Din utfordring Hvor best bør du investere eller handle i møte med konstant usikkerhet. Hvordan handler du best markedsbobler for profitt? Det er kritiske spørsmål. Og tusenvis av kunder har ansatt Michael for hans visdom til svarene. Nå kan vi gå tilbake og tenke stort bilde. I de siste 15 årene har det vært flere bommer og byster. Det har vært regjering fra bailouts til kvantitativ lettelse (QE) til null rentepolitikk (ZIRP) til negativ rentepolitikk (NIRP). Disse retningslinjene sikrer at alle markedene går opp og ned hele tiden. Men her er trikset: Ingen kan forutsi markedsretning. Men ikke bekymre deg. Prediksjon er ikke nødvendig for trenden etter suksess. Hvis du har Trend Følgende systemer og trening, kan du tjene penger på opp eller ned markeder. Hvorfor et bestemt marked beveger seg er ikke relevant for å lyde å investere. Den østlige filosofen Alan Watts kjente trenden etter leksjonene (selv om den var utilsiktet): Spørsmålet, hva skal vi gjøre med det, blir bare spurt av dem som ikke forstår problemet. Hvis et problem kan løses i det hele tatt, for å forstå det og å vite hva du skal gjøre med det, er det samme. På den annen side, å gjøre noe om et problem som du ikke forstår, er som å forsøke å rydde bort mørket ved å stikke det til side med hendene dine. Når lyset kommer, forsvinner mørket på en gang. Overvinne frykt (og flytte deg mot rik) er alle undervist i Michaels Trend Følgende flaggskip: Klarhet av formål er investeringssuksess. Å eliminere støy med presise trendregler som tilpasser seg enhver situasjon, klima eller syklus er målet. Å gå på en informasjon diett er obligatorisk. Systematiske og konsistente prosesser slår grunnleggende gjetninger hver gang. Din investering vil være som denne videoen. Investeringsspenning er en morder. Multitasking med skjermer, nyheter og nonstop spådommer vil steke hjernen din - garantert. Vi vil få deg til å fokusere på den rette oppgaven, ikke hver eneste siste oppgave. Vurder dette infografiske. De religiøse ritualene til regjeringen, media og finans vil bløde deg tørr: CNBC kunne virkelig ikke bry seg om det faktiske innholdet i det som blir sagt. Formålet med CNBCs spillet er. å selge annonser. Ingenting vondt eller galt med dette. Det er hva for-profit media selskaper gjør. Men innholdet de produserer. må forstås som sådan. Bevisst praksis er obligatorisk for Trend Following excellence. Lytt til en podcast med verdens fremste ekspert på topp ytelse. Trend Følgende gjør ingenting før du har et godt trekk med stort fortjenestepotensial. Tålmodighet er viktig. liker denne videoen. Den globale dype statlige myndigheter vil ikke at du tenker. De vil ha deg i matrisen: De som dominerer utdanningssystemet, kontrollerer hvem som er akseptert og som avvises, ikke etter måling av intelligens eller ferdighet, men av deres vilje til å overholde etableringsidealet. De bygger en slags automatklas, som har blitt lært å ikke lære seg selv, men til papegøyepropaganda uten spørsmål. De av oss som ikke gjør karakteren, blir henvist til rollen som forpliktede tilbedere, som godtar krav fra profesjonsgruppen som evangelium, uansett hvor feil de er. Hele greia er uhyggelig innavlet. Nå, la oss ta en smart tankegang et skritt videre. Overvei et eksempel på ikke-handel som forklarer sannheten i prosessen v. Utfall: I stedet for å snakke om vinner og mesterskap, snakker Alabama Head Football Coach Nick Saban om prosessen. Prosessen er Sabans sikt for å konsentrere seg om trinnene til suksess i stedet for å bekymre seg om sluttresultatet. I stedet for å tenke på resultattavlen, tenk på å dominere mannen på motsatt side av linjen av scrimmage. I stedet for å tenke på en konferanse tittel, tenk på å fullføre en niende rep i vektrommet. Siden Saban har vunnet 5 av de siste 13 nasjonale titlene, har uttrykket formet seg i oppdraget for Sabans programbyggingsfilosofi. I dag prøver alle å replikere sin filosofi og resultater. Kaller det Sabanization of college fotball. Når du har en Trend Following-prosess, kommer det ned til din tøft for å spille spillet på riktig måte. Famed contrarian investor Howard Marks snakker til den søken etter storhet: Det virkelige spørsmålet er om du tør å gjøre det som er nødvendig for å være bra. Er du villig til å være annerledes, og er du villig til å være feil For å få en sjanse til gode resultater må du være åpen for å være begge. Trend Følgende løp for deg er på - om du kjører eller late som om det ikke er noe løp. En av Michaels favorittord maler bildet: Hver morgen i Afrika våkner en gazelle opp. Det vet at det må løpe raskere enn den raskeste løven, eller det vil bli drept. Hver morgen våkner en løve opp. Det vet at det må gå ut av den langsomste gazellen eller det vil sulte til døden. Det spiller ingen rolle om du er en løve eller en gazelle: når solen kommer opp, er det bedre å kjøre. Michael viser kundene hemmelighetene til å kjøre med Trend Following. Vanlige spørsmål bør vurderes. Spørsmål Nå ut og kontakt oss. Klar til å kjøpe Gå til toppen av siden og legg produktet i handlekurven din til kassen. Trend Followingtrade Investment Research Trend Followingtrade Investment Research er en utgiver av trend etter handelsstrategier som når tusenvis av investorer globalt. Vår unike kanten er et omfattende nettverk innen trendfølge, atferdsøkonomi og risikostyring. Dette gjør at vi kan lære flere tiår med fremragende ytelse. Tilnærmingen er å gi kunder et enkelt produkt som ikke krever ekstra kjøp. Å levere omfattende service av handelssystemer, risikostyringsstrategier og psykologiske retningslinjer gjør det mulig for våre kunder å handle i mindre enn tretti minutter om dagen. Å gi oss pengene dine er å gi din tillit. Og vårt mål er å sikre at det vi gir er mer verdifullt enn det vi mottar. Det enkle forretningsprinsippet er vårt langsiktige forhold til klienter. Risikofriansvar Trend Følgende kan ikke love at du vil tjene på retur av handelsmenn, diagrammer eller eksempler (ekte eller hypotetisk) oppgitt. Alle tidligere resultater er ikke nødvendigvis en indikasjon på fremtidige resultater. Data presentert er til utdanningsformål. Våre produkter er også kun til informasjonsformål og bør ikke tolkes som personlig investeringsrådgivning. Alle data på dette nettstedet er direkte fra CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google og opplysningsdokumenter av ledere nevnt her. Trend Følgende forutsetter at alle data er nøyaktige, men påtar seg intet ansvar for feil, utelatelser eller skrivefeil fra kilder. Våre vitnemål er ordene fra ekte kunder mottatt i ekte korrespondanse som ikke er betalt for sine vitnemål. Uttalelser blir noen ganger trykt under alias for å beskytte personvernet, og redigeres for lengde. Kravene har ikke blitt uavhengig verifisert eller revidert for nøyaktighet. Vi vet ikke hvor mye penger var risikert, hvilken del av deres totale portefølje ble tildelt, eller deres eksakte posisjoner. Vi hevder ikke at resultatene som oppleves av slike kunder, er typiske, og du vil sannsynligvis ha forskjellige resultater. Trend Følgende er ikke registrert som verdipapirforhandler eller en investeringsrådgiver. Denne informasjonen er ikke utformet slik at den kan brukes som en invitasjon til investering med en profilert profilør. Ingen informasjon heri er ment som verdipapirmegling, investering, skatt, regnskap eller juridisk rådgivning, som et tilbud eller oppfordring til et tilbud om å selge eller kjøpe, eller som påtegning, anbefaling eller sponsing av noe selskap, sikkerhet eller fond. Videre kan Trend Følgende ikke og ikke vurdere, verifisere eller garantere tilstrekkelig, nøyaktighet eller fullstendighet av informasjon, egnethet eller lønnsomhet av en bestemt investering, eller den potensielle verdien av enhver investering eller informasjons kilde. Leseren bærer ansvaret for egen egen investeringsforskning og avgjørelser, bør søke råd fra kvalifiserte verdipapirer før de investerer, og undersøke og forstå alle risikoer før de investerer. I tillegg garanterer Trend Følgende på ingen måte solvens, økonomiske forhold eller investeringsrådgivning av noe sikkerhetssystem eller instrument. I tillegg aksepterer Trend Following ikke noe ansvar for direkte eller følgeskader som oppstår ved bruk av denne informasjonen. Denne informasjonen er ikke ment å brukes som grunnlag for investeringsbeslutninger, og bør heller ikke tolkes som råd som er utformet for å møte investeringsbehovene til en bestemt investor. HYPOTETISKE ELLER SIMULERTE RESULTATRESULTATER HAR VISSE BEGRENSNINGER. I FORBINDELSE MED EN AKTUELL PRESTASJONSOPPTAK, FORTSATT SIMULERTE RESULTATER IKKE VIRKELIG HANDEL. OGSÅ SOM HANDLINGENE IKKE ER UTFØRT, HAR RESULTATENE KRAVET FORVERKET FOR KONSEKVENSEN, OM NOEN, AV VISSE MARKEDSFAKTORER, SOM SIKKER LIKVIDITET. SIMULERTE HANDELSPROGRAMMER I ALMINDELIGE ER OGSÅ FØLGENDE AT DE ER DESIGNERT MED HINDSIGHT. INGEN REPRESENTASJON SKAL GJORT AT ENKEL KONTO VIL ELLER ER LIKELIG Å HENT RESULTAT ELLER TAP SOM LIKKER SOM VISES. Ofte stilte spørsmål: Q: Vennligst definer trend som følger nøyaktig. A: Les. Vurder også en illustrasjon som kan gjøre deg rik: Trend følger ikke plasser eller topper. Du kommer alltid inn i en trend sent, og kommer ut sent. Du kan ikke forutsi en trend. Det diagrammet ser kanskje ikke ut som en flott strategi ved første øyekast, men det er grunnlaget for en av de mest lønnsomme innsiktene i markedet for spekulasjon av markedet: fang opp middels kjøtt og du kan tjene en formue. Spørsmål: Er flaggskipet ditt med anbefalinger? A: Du vil kjenne alle handler til å ta for alle markeder til enhver tid. Du won8217t trenger kontinuerlig 8216recommendations8217 som du vil ha dem alle fra starten. Våre trend-systemer vil gi deg regler for dine pågående handelssignaler (hva noen kan kalle anbefalinger). Spørsmål: Er trenden din etter handel med svart boks trading? A: Dette er ikke svart bokhandel. Alle regler og filosofier undervises, er fullstendig avslørt. Spørsmål: Krav til å starte A: Disse forutsetningene kreves enten på forhånd eller på samme tid. Du vil også trenge daglige og eller ukentlige prisdata. Spørsmål: Spør. Spørsmål: Hvorfor er det to versjoner av produktet ditt A: Flagship Premium får deg raskere. Spørsmål: Hvem er trend som følger for A: Alle (nesten): Alle nye eller private handelsmenn handler egen konto. Alle kontostørrelser. Hedgefondsledere, råvarehandlerådgivere, gulvhandlere og lokalbefolkningen. Profesjonelle handelsfolk som ønsker å etablere pengeforvaltningsbedrifter. De som handler 401K, IRA eller andre pensjonister. De som ønsker å bytte alle markeder med de samme regler. Those that want to make money in both bull, bear and black swan markets. This is for brand new to pro traders. It is for traders that trade global markets and for those that trade only their home country markets. It is for retirement, speculative accounts, Registered Investment Advisors, fund managers and college students. This is a true location independent, trade on a desert island trading profit-making opportunity. Those expecting millions instantly. Day traders. People that think they can predict tomorrow. Q: What are performance examples A: For more than five decades trend following traders have produced massive profits . Q: When does trend following work A: When markets trend8211is the short answer. The investment objective of our trading programs is to extract profits from up, down and black swan markets (rare or surprise events), resulting in an above average return stream. All programs can be applied to long only and longshort portfolios and all rules are best applied in a 100 systematic manner. Think of it like a machine : Q: What type of markets can be traded A: Systems provided are for stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies (FX), energies, agriculturals, metals and softs. Can you trade equities only, for example Yes. Q: What market instruments can be traded A: Systems provided are for equity ETFs (equities), LEAPs options and or futures. Q: How specific is your product A: This service is an overall trend following trader education with exact trend following systems that can be applied immediately to your account. That means you will receive: Exact rules for selecting your tracking portfolio. Exact rules for entering your trades at the right time. Exact rules for exiting your trades with a loss at the right time. Exact rules for exiting your trades with a profit at the right time. Exact rules for how much money to bet on each trade based on your unique situation. Q: It seems strange that someone is willing to give away a process that works. A: There will be no widespread adoption of the rules we teach. Why People might not feel comfortable once they learn, or they might not like using rules developed by others. Maybe, they adopt the rules we teach, then bastardize them into something else because it momentarily feels good. Markets, bottom line, are huge and with millions of strategies out there, what we teach will be just fine. Additionally, think about the Turtles. Think about all of the trend followers with decades of trend following trading results. Most people don8217t want to change to something good. They are fine with mediocre results. Most people are happy losing. This issue is also addressed in the last chapter of the book Trend Following . Q: Are your trading systems just Turtle A: Michael Covel8217s The Complete TurtleTrader explains the Turtle story and system in detail. It is the definitive Turtle resource, but our Flagship systems and training go much farther. Advanced systems, examples and human interaction with Michael and his staff, the live teaching element within Flagship, is an entirely different experience. Q: What is the difference between your books and systems amp training A: The books are great resources filled with thousands of details, and they have helped many people learn, but our systems and training with support are different. Questions come up. People need help. Personal instruction gives insights. Additionally, many proprietary trading systems are included (not in the books). Q: Is trend trading only for the USA A: Our clients are in 70 countries trading on exchanges from Europe to Asia to the Middle East to South America to North America. Q: Are your systems and training for the individual investor A: Many of our clients are simply individuals trading their own account. Many are with no experience. Some have experience, but the wrong kind. Whether 21 and in college. age 30 working a job, or age 60 in retirement, you can learn trend following trading. Q: Are your systems and training for market professionals A: Our systems and training are also used by experienced traders worldwide. Hedge fund managers to CTAs to CFAs to CMTs brokers to financial advisers on every continent. Q: How were your systems and training assembled A: The great traders, along with their trading rules, are not easily accessed. It8217s a very closed club. However, Michael Covel has dedicated his life to assembling their trading systems and lessons (as a result of their direct teaching). Covel has spent the last 15 years on the inside learning from the greatest traders of our time. View his mentors . Q: The top end of your trading system is not inexpensive. A: Paying for trading education is far less expensive than losing a fortune with no trading plan (which many do). Our price is negligible if you consider it an investment in your future wealth. Q: Can systems in the training be applied to shorter time frames like hourly or 4-hour charts A: No. Day trading is fool8217s gold. Our systems and training will be worth millions to you over a lifetime if you simply understand that day trading is a mirage. More on the subject: Read . Q: The right exit strategy A: Applying explicit exit rules to limit damage during market declines is the name of the game. Survival That means having an exit strategy for all of your positions at all times. That means deliberately, consistently and mechanically cutting losses short while letting your winners run. Q: This is for retirement accounts A: You can trade equities, futures and ETFs in retirement accounts (401ks, IRAs, Keoghs, Seps, etc.). Q: Trend following works on stocks A: Yes. 100. Trend following is not instrument specific. Trend followers can and do trade all types of instruments. Some trade futures. Some trade ETFs. Some trade LEAPS options. Some trade commodities. For example, today trend following traders can trade ETFs and get exposure to stock and commodities markets without having to trade futures. You will learn the best option for your situation. Q: Is trend following risky A: Life is risky. You might get hit by a car crossing the street. However, if you have a concrete plan, risk can be managed. Q: Do university classes assist in trend following education A: Most finance departments either are unaware of trend following or ignore it. Many of the greatest traders had little to no experience trend trading before starting. Trend following legend John W. Henry (owner of Boston Red Sox), for example, did not have a college degree. Q: Speak to behavioral biases . A: Trend following handles the biases: Q: How much math is involved in trend following for success A: The basics: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Some will have more understanding, and that is fine too. Q: Do trend followers watch screens during market hours A: Some trend followers only trade once a week using weekly bars. Day trading is not trend following. There is no need to watch the screen during market hours. Q: How much time is required to trade as a trend following trader A: You can spend a minute or two per market each day. For example, you check prices in the evening, then with one trade in the morning, you place or change any orders in accordance with rules. Flagship trend following trading systems use daily data to determine buy and sell signals. Orders can be placed before the market opens and do not need hourly monitoring. Most top traders manage their trades in 10 to 30 minutes per day. Trend follower Richard Donchian once said: 8220If you trade on a definite trend-following loss limiting-method, you can trade without taking a great deal of time from your regular business day. Since action is taken only when certain evidence is registered, you can spend a minute or two per market in the evening checking up on whether action-taking evidence is apparent, and then in one telephone call in the morning place or change any orders in accord with what is indicated. Furthermore a definite method, which at all times includes precise criteria for closing out one8217s losing trades promptly, avoids8230emotionally unnerving indecision.8221 Each day you determine entries and or exits for the following day. You can then buy or sell 8220at the market8221 on the open the next day. Q: Fancy software and complicated trading strategies that seemingly only rocket scientists can trade, is that your world A: No. The real risk in today8217s age is over-doing a trading system. There is so much computing power available and so much data available, but the reality is that trend following rules can be explained on the back of a napkin. You will learn to use rules that anyyone can apply for potential profit. Can software help automate trend following strategies Sure, but don8217t let automation fool you. Consider wisdom from Daniel Dennett: Here is something we know with well-nigh perfect certainty: nothing physically inexplicable plays a role in any computer program, no heretofore unimagined force fields, no mysterious quantum shenanigans. There is certainly no wonder tissue in any computer. We know exactly how the basic tasks are accomplished in computers, and how they can be composed into more and more complex tasks, and we can explain these constructed competences with no residual mystery. So although the virtuosity of today8217s computers continues to amaze us, the computers themselves, as machines, are as mundane as can-openers. Lots of prestidigitation, but no real magic8230All the improvements in computers since Turing invented his imaginary paper-tape machine are simply ways of making them faster. One of the most accomplished trend following traders of the last 30 years, a man that has made billions, still tracks and automates his world with EXCEL. Nothing fancy. No mental masturbation. Q: Can your trend following strategies be automated A: Yes. 100. Q: Why is money management needed A: Money management, or position sizing, is a critical component of trend following trading success. Q: Are markets different now A: Markets are always the same because they always change. Trend following trading adapts to constant change. That8217s the way to look at it. If someone says markets have changed, reach your wallet. You are about to be picked. Alan Watts the philosopher makes the case for how trend following responds to constant change: If, when swimming, you are caught in a strong current, it is fatal to resist. You must swim with it and gradually edge to the side. One who falls from a height with stiff limbs will break them, but if he relaxes like a cat he will fall safely. A building without give in its structure will easily collapse in storm or earthquake. Trend following has give . Q: 24-hour news is needed A: You don8217t need real-time data or news. In fact, you don8217t need news at all to be a trend following trader. Q: Is leverage used in trend following A: All great trend following traders use leverage. It is a tool to be used correctly. However, trend following is not about using reckless leverage (like Wall Street banks). Very different animals. Q: Once training is completed no broker or financial adviser will be needed A: Not needed. Q: What do you think of Gann and Elliott Wave A: Some enjoy junk science. Q: What additional expenses are needed A: You need money to trade and daily price data (about 20-50month). Our clients also receive a special 10 discount with CSI Data (a world data leader). Q: What about breaking into the fund management business A: A critical feature of our Flagship is support. You will receive help on introductions, along with hints on how to break into the fund business or just advice on trading your own account. Q: Do you explain exactly the markets to trade and why A: Yes. Diversification across markets is part of the process. Trend following exposure to many markets allows profits to cover losses. Big moves, and the profits from those, offset small losses across a diversified portfolio. You can trade those types of markets via ETFs, LEAPs and or futures. Q: Are chart techniques used to pick entry levels, exit levels and where to place stop levels Do you teach a one-size-fits-all method of level picking or do you tailor it to the individual A: No chart techniques are used, but you will know exactly your entry, exit and where to place stops. The rules taught can be tailored, absolutely. Q: Speak to non-USA markets, i. e. China, Malaysia, Singapore, Brazil, Indonesia, etc. A: Trend following is for all markets, all countries. Our clients are in 70 plus countries. A map of where our clients live . Q: Do your rules help to profit during crashes and tail events A: Yes. Making money from black swans. surprises, tail events and crashes is core to trend following success. Think about the 8220edges8221: Q: Is it really possible to compete against the big funds Like Bridgewater and Winton A: Yes, but this is not about competition. The big funds don8217t stop little guys from trading. The idea that big traders block small traders is nonsense. In fact, smaller traders can trade markets larger traders can8217t (due to their overdone size). Q: Are too many people trading as trend following traders A: Broadly speaking the amount of money trading globally applied to trend following methods is tiny by comparison to the mountain of money stuck in buy and hold mutual funds. The opportunity for trend following success is massive. Q: What are your main criteria to identify a trend A: In trend following you don8217t do that. In trend following you take entry signals, and have exit signals. After an entry and then exit you can historically identify a trend. Anyone saying they can spot or predict trends in real time is incorrect. Q: Assuming that I decide to quit my day job 8220working for the man8221 and become a trader, how do I get access to the markets How do I do research Do I need to have access to real-time and historical data A: You will need a broker and you will need market data (not real time). We help understand on both issues with recommendations. The research We provide that too. Q: Michael would probably crush me for asking this, but I8217ll ask it anyway: Is trend following a full time job It is a big commitment and I8217d like to know if it can be done part time A: You can be part-time. 100. You will not be day trading. You can trade using daily or weekly closing prices. No other strategy allows this. Q: The podcasts are very educational. I have only listened to about 80 of them and while I enjoy them enormously, they mostly dive into the human nature. I didn8217t hear much about the specifics on trends in the markets. Do I need to buy Michael8217s entire system to be able to understand the trends A: We give away a ton of free resources. but if you want to go fast and take advantage of our best work our Flagship is the best bet. Q: What makes your product different than others A: We don8217t compare to unnamed others . Our one of a kind product is not a commodity. You can only receive it here. Review our books and podcast (and review every last link on this page). Trend Following can not promise you will earn the returns of traders, charts or examples (real or hypothetical) stated. All past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results. Data presented is for educational purposes. Our products are also provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. Trend Following assumes all data to be accurate, but assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Our testimonials are the words of real clients received in real correspondence that have not been paid for their testimonials. Testimonials are sometimes printed under aliases to protect privacy, and edited for length. Claims have not been independently verified or audited for accuracy. We do not know how much money was risked, what portion of their total portfolio was allocated, or their exact positions. We do not claim that the results experienced by such clients are typical and you will likely have different results. Trend Following is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. This information is not designed to be used as an invitation for investment with any adviser profiled. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Further, Trend Following cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for hisher own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. Additionally, Trend Following in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any security or instrument. In addition, Trend Following accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as a basis of any investment decision, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. HYPOTETISKE ELLER SIMULERTE RESULTATRESULTATER HAR VISSE BEGRENSNINGER. I FORBINDELSE MED EN AKTUELL PRESTASJONSOPPTAK, FORTSATT SIMULERTE RESULTATER IKKE VIRKELIG HANDEL. OGSÅ SOM HANDLINGENE IKKE ER UTFØRT, HAR RESULTATENE KRAVET FORVERKET FOR KONSEKVENSEN, OM NOEN, AV VISSE MARKEDSFAKTORER, SOM SIKKER LIKVIDITET. SIMULERTE HANDELSPROGRAMMER I ALMINDELIGE ER OGSÅ FØLGENDE AT DE ER DESIGNERT MED HINDSIGHT. INGEN REPRESENTASJON SKAL GJORT AT ENKEL KONTO VIL ELLER ER LIKELIG Å HENT RESULTAT ELLER TAP SOM LIKKER SOM VISES. Performance One of the first steps to your trend following success is to absorb past trend following success. That breeds immense confidence. The data assembled on this page demonstrates what has been possible historically with trend following. First, two pieces of research that outline trend trading success going back over 100 years: A Century of Evidence on Trend-Following Investing (PDF ). Two Centuries of Trend Following (PDF ). A further great example of success is Bill Dunn. He is one of the greatest trend followers ever. First ballot Hall of Fame. He has been successfully trading as a trend follower for massive money since 1974. His continuous track record has never been featured on CNBC, Bloomberg, WSJ, etc. An examination of Dunn8217s track record could serve as a PhD-level trend following class. Consider his performance numbers: No one can promise that you will become the next Bill Dunn or produce his returns. Further, we are not an agent for Dunn Capital, but his performance is a historical marker on file with the U. S. government. His performance is proof that classic long term trend following can win big time ( Note . If you want to be a trend follower, if you want the foundation to have a chance at the big money, you can start a proven trend following education immediately ). Dunn is not alone though. Consider this chart from Paul Mulvaney of Mulvaney Capital: That is inspirational (at least if you have a pulse). Additional performance histories generated by legendary trend traders: Notes . Jerry Parker (Chesapeake) is in Michael Covel8217s books Trend Following and The Complete TurtleTrader . Salem Abraham is in Michael Covel8217s books Trend Following and The Complete TurtleTrader . Liz Cheval (EMC) is in Michael Covel8217s book The Complete TurtleTrader . William Eckhardt is in Michael Covel8217s book The Complete TurtleTrader . Tom Shanks (Hawksbill) is in Michael Covel8217s book The Complete TurtleTrader . Bernard Drury is in Michael Covel8217s book The Little Book of Trading . Fortunes made by selected great trend followers: Bruce Kovner . Kovner is a trend following trader featured in Jack Schwager8217s 8216Market Wizards.8217 He was trained by trend follower Michael Marcus. Marcus was trained by Ed Seykota. More on Seykota can be found in Trend Following. Kovner is worth over 5.3 billion (source ). John W. Henry . Henry is a trend following trader featured in Trend Following. He is worth 2.1 billion (source ). He used his trend following gains to buy the Boston Red Sox for 700 million. Bill Dunn . Dunn is a trend following trader featured in Trend Following. Dunn made 80 million in 2008 when the rest of the world was blowing up. Michael Marcus . Marcus is a trend following trader featured in Jack Schwager8217s Market Wizards. He turned an initial 30,000 into 80 million (source ). David Harding . Harding is a trend following trader featured in Trend Following. He is worth over 1.387 billion (source ). Ed Seykota . Seykota is a trend following trader featured in Trend Following. He turned 5,000 into 15 million over 12 years in his model account (an actual client account). Kenneth Tropin . Trend following trader Tropin made 120 million in 2008 as buy and hold collapsed. Earlier in his career he led John W. Henry8217s firm. Those trend followers all started as one-man shops and that is inspirational. A small fraction of those huge fortunes would satisfy most people. What types of market trends made those fortunes Historical Trend Following Winning Charts These all prove the historical trend legacy. The past, the current, and the future8211all times when trend following can excel (great history of trend following PDF ). Conclusion Trend following trading can be applied to many different instruments (futures, ETFs amp LEAPs, for ex.) and many different markets such as currencies (FX, forex), interest rates, global stock indices, grains, softs, meats, metals and energies. It has been applied to the great tech names: Google, Apple, Priceline, Tesla, Amazon, Las Vegas Sands amp Facebook, etc. And the strategy is not limited to USA. It is for all types of markets in all countries, i. e. USA to Singapore to China to Brazil to Japan to Switzerland. This is the strategy that has universal applicability. No fundamentals needed. How can it applied to so many different markets Greed, fear, human nature and big trends up and down. That8217s how. Measure it, trade it. Bottom line, furthering the cause of trend following moneymaking benefits has driven us since 1996. In recent years both academics and large funds have further validated the very long-term success of trend following investing. Disclaimers Trend Following can not promise you will earn the returns of traders, charts or examples (real or hypothetical) stated. All past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results. Data presented is for educational purposes. Our products are also provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. Trend Following assumes all data to be accurate, but assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Our testimonials are the words of real clients received in real correspondence that have not been paid for their testimonials. Testimonials are sometimes printed under aliases to protect privacy, and edited for length. Claims have not been independently verified or audited for accuracy. We do not know how much money was risked, what portion of their total portfolio was allocated, or their exact positions. We do not claim that the results experienced by such clients are typical and you will likely have different results. Trend Following is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. This information is not designed to be used as an invitation for investment with any adviser profiled. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Further, Trend Following cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for hisher own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. Additionally, Trend Following in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any security or instrument. In addition, Trend Following accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as a basis of any investment decision, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. HYPOTETISKE ELLER SIMULERTE RESULTATRESULTATER HAR VISSE BEGRENSNINGER. I FORBINDELSE MED EN AKTUELL PRESTASJONSOPPTAK, FORTSATT SIMULERTE RESULTATER IKKE VIRKELIG HANDEL. OGSÅ SOM HANDLINGENE IKKE ER UTFØRT, HAR RESULTATENE KRAVET FORVERKET FOR KONSEKVENSEN, OM NOEN, AV VISSE MARKEDSFAKTORER, SOM SIKKER LIKVIDITET. SIMULERTE HANDELSPROGRAMMER I ALMINDELIGE ER OGSÅ FØLGENDE AT DE ER DESIGNERT MED HINDSIGHT. INGEN REPRESENTASJON SKAL GJORT AT ENKEL KONTO VIL ELLER ER LIKELIG Å HENT RESULTAT ELLER TAP SOM LIKKER SOM VISES. Testimonials 8220Michael Covel8217s Trend Following . Essential.8221 Ed Seykota Trend following legend originally in the 8220Market Wizards8221 classic book 8220The way I see it, you have two choices8211you can do what I did and work for 30-plus years, cobbling together scraps of information, seeking to create a money-making strategy, or you can spend a few days reading Covel8217s book Trend Following and skip that three-decade learning curve.8221 Larry Hite Trend following legend originally in the 8220Market Wizards8221 classic book 8220Some people think trend following trading is a system, but it8217s really much more powerful than that8230it8217s a trading philosophy. The course here gives comprehensive insight to the most accessible active management strategy currently in use. You find revealing explanations of all the critical elements of a successful trend following trading plan. The concepts espoused here are not just opinions8230these techniques have been proven to work.8221 Paul Mulvaney Mulvaney Capital Note: Mulvaney was an early client. 8220There have been few authors that have tackled the financial markets with a candor that was entertaining while not alienating themselves from the community they wrote about. A few greats come to mind: Michael Lewis, Jack Schwager, and Nassim Taleb. I believe Michael Covel also belongs squarely in this camp for his work to champion the trend following movement.8221 Tim Pickering Founder and CIO, Auspice Capital Advisors (full review: PDF ) Read the 80 pages of testimonials: Trend following works in one of two ways: 1. Trade your home country markets only. 2. Trade a global portfolio. The good news You can choose either option. Better news Trend following is location independent trading. You can be anywhere. Our clients live in 70 countries and territories. Below are the countries and a sampling of cities where they reside. Sampling of where our clients work . United States Clients in all 50 states. Andorra Argentina Australia Sample cities where students live: Albany, Albany Creek, Attadale, Bellerive, Belrose, Brighton, Brisbane, Bronte, Buderim, Cairns, Campbelltown, Campsie, Canterbury, Carrara, Christies Beach, City Beach, Claremont, Como, Doncaster, Eden Park, Eungella, Fairlight, Footscray West, Frankston, Freshwater, Glen Waverly, Glenunga, Gnadendorf, Highett, Hobart, Indooroopilly, Lapstone, Malvern, Manly, Maroochydore, Marrickville, Melbourne, Mitcham, Mossman Bay, Mossman, Narwee, Newtown, Ningi, North Sydney, North Tamborine, Paddington, Panania, Perth, Queensland, Redfern, Rostrevor, Richmond, Rozelle, Ryde, Sandringham, Shaolhaven, Smithfield, Stirling, Subiaco, Summer Hill, Sydney, Tootgarook, Victoria, Wavertown, Wellington Point, West Perth, Weston, Windsor, Wollongong Austria Belarus Belgium Sample cities where students live: Brussels, Gent, Steenokkerzeel, Vosselaar Bermuda Botswana Brazil Sample cities where students live: Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Rio de Jan eiro, Santana de Parnaiba, Sao Paulo Brunei Canada Sample cities where students live: Abbotsford, Aurora, Bancroft, Bathurst, Beaumont, Bonne Bay, Bonnyville, Boucherville, Bracebridge, Brampton, Brantford, Burlington, Burnaby, Calgary, Canterbury, Carrolls Corner, Cochrane, Coquitlam, Cranbrook, Dartmouth, Delta, Edmonton, Errington, Gatineau, Grande Prairie, Halifax, Kelowna, Kitchener, Lachenaie, Little Britain, London, Maple, Markham, Mattawa, Medicine Hat, Mill Bay, Mississauga, Montreal, Mouse Jaw, Nanaimo, Nepean, New Westminster, Niagara Falls, North Vancouver, North York, Oakville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Pickering, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Salmon Arm, St. Albert, St. Laurent, St-Alexis, St-Sauveur, Salt Spring Island, Scarborough, Summerside, Surrey, Sutton, Toronto, Val des Monts, Vancouver, Varrennes, Vaudreuil, Verdun, Victoria, Wainwright, Waterloo, Wellesley, West Vancourver, Winfield, Winkler, Winnipeg, Yellowknife China Colombia Cte d8217Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic E cuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Finland France Sample cities where students live: Bordeaux, Cergy, Le Vesinet, Louveciennes, Malakoff, Manduel, Paris, Paudex, Vallon Pont dArc, Ville-sur-Yron, Vincennes Germany Sample cities where students live: Bonn, Bad Soden, Berg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Euskirchen, Filderstadt, Frankfurt am Main, Grainau, Groebenzell, Hallstadt, Hamburg, Herrenberg, Herzogenaurach, Hofheim, Jena, Kirchheim-Teck, Koenigswinter, Leipzig, Mistelbach, Moenchherrnsdorf, Muehldorf, Muenchen, Munich, Neu Isenburg, Niddatal-Assenheim, Rosenheim, Scharbeutz, Stuttgart, Sulzbach, Wiesbaden, Woelfersheim Gibraltar Greece Sample cities where students live: Athens, Naxos, Piraeus, Thessaloniki Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Sample cities where students live: Bandar Seri Begawan, Jakarta, Javiarta, Jember, Tel Betung Ireland Israel Italy Sample cities where students live: Bologna, Campione, Campobasso, Castelliri, Chiampo, Genova, Milano, Parma, Rome, Valgi oie, Volterra Japan Sample cities where students live: Atsugi, Nagoya, Tokyo Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Sample cities where students live: Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, Kulim, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Subang Jaya Malta Mauritius Mexico Monaco Nederland Sample cities where students live: Amsterdam, Bergen op Zoom, Budel, Delden, Enschede, Hoofddorp, Hoorn, Maassluis, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rijswijk, Soesterberg, Son en Breugel Nederland Antilles New Zealand Sample cities where students live: Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, Lowerhutt, North Shore City, Wellington Nigeria Norway Oman Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Russian Federation Sample cities where students live: Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Minsk, Moscow, Samara Singapore Slovak Republic South Africa Sample cities where students live: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Dubanville, George, Hout Bay, Johannesburg, Musgrave, Randburg, Rosebank, Sandton, Saxonwold, Sun City, Welgemoed, Witban k South Korea Sample cities where students live: Inch8217on, Koyang, Seoul, Taejon Spain Sample cities where students live: Barcelona, Cabrera de Mar, Santiago de Compostela, Formentera, Javea, Madrid, Mallorca, Marbella, Sant Pol de Mar Sweden Switzerland Sample cities where students live: Aarwangen, Altendorf, Campione, Cadenazzo, Chailly-Montreux, Chene-Bougeries, Chrissier, Geneva, Greng, Grimisuat, Kloten, Kusnacht, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Ottenbach, Paudex, Pully, Steinhausen, Wettswil, Zurich Taiwan Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Sample cities where students live: Ascot, Aberdeen, Abergavenny, Addlestone, Ashton Keynes, Bath, Basildon, Billericay, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blairgowrie, Boughton Monchelsea, Bristol, Bromley, Burgess Hill, Burnham-on-Crouch, Camberley, Cambridge, Cardiff, Chesire, Crickhowell, Driffield, Dudley, Eastbourne, Egham, Elstree, Enfield, Essex, Etchingham, Folkestone, Glasgow, Grantham, Greenford, Guildford, Halifax, Harefie ld, Haslemere, Hildenborough, Hove, Kenilworth, Keston Park, King8217s Lynn, Leeds, Leicester, Lichfield, Liverpool, London, Loughton, Manchester, Margate, Marlow, Middlesex, Minehead, Nairn, N. York, Newbury, Northallerton, Northampton, Oakham, Oldham, Ombersley, Oxford, Peacehaven, Plymouth, Poole, Porthleven, Richmond, Ruislip, Saltdean, Seaford, Sevenoaks, Sheffield, South Brent, Southampton, St Albans, St Andrew, St Brelade, Stevenage, Stirling, Surbiton, Sutton Coldfield, Talaton, Tauton, Twickenham, Uxbridge, Walthamstow, Winchester, Windlesham, Windsor, Worthing, Wotton-under-Edge, Woking, Wooburn Green, Woodstock Zimbabwe You can obtain a 10 price break with a bank wire purchase of our Flagship Product . If you would like to take advantage of the bank wire special put the Flagship Product in your cart, go to checkout and in the coupon box enter 10discount and hit apply. You will then be provided bank wire ordering instructions after you submit your order. Questions Email: infotrendfollowing . Note: Special offer does not apply to our Standard product. All legacy clients back to 1997 are entitled to a significant discount. To take advantage of this offer please email: infotrendfollowing . College students with a current ID can obtain a 10 price break with the purchase of our Flagship. You can also combine this offer together with our bank wire special offer (max 20 price break). To take advantage of this offer please email: infotrendfollowing . Note: Special offer does not apply to our Standard product. CSI Price Data: Special Offer All clients can receive a 10 price break off published subscriptions rates of premier price data supplier CSI Data. To receive the 10 price break please contact us: infotrendfollowing . Note: This offer for Flagship and Standard. Solar Power Brisbane Objective Solar Panels Review For Brisbane Residents 12 November 2015. Welcome to the Brisbane Solar Information website. We attempt to offer impartial information on residential solar power installation in Brisbane, provide updates on the seemingly ever changing solar incentives offered at a State and Federal Government level and suggest 8216common - sense8217 but important pointers to consider when considering the viability of solar for your home and some useful tips when evaluating various solar power system offers. You can promptly receive, without any obligation, free solar system quotation for your home . Click here or fill in the form below. Attention: All Solar Panel System buyers in Brisbane The Renewable Energy Target (R. E.T.) 8216review8217 in November 2014 from the federal government has recommended l eaving the current rooftop solar program as is . This is good news if you are considering installing solar panels in Brisbane. The SRES, or small scale renewable energy scheme, is the government program that effectively offers households a 8216subsidy8217 for the initial cost of installing solar power systems. It had been feared by the solar installation industry that the renewable energy target review would most likely call for the abolition of this scheme, meaning that solar system pricing would have risen by several thousands of dollars. The Case For Solar In Brisbane: The 8216Short Term8217 picture for Brisbane residents considering solar has been somewhat 8216muddied8217 by the Queensland solar feed in tariff roller coaster ride in recent times. A 8216feed tariff8217 is simply money you are credited for when your solar system puts electricity back into the 8216grid8217 8211 this happens when the solar panels produce more power than your house is currently consuming. There is currently no S. E. Qld. feed tariff payable by the Queensland. Government however some electricity retailers (like AGL for example) are offer a feed in tariff or 6-8 cents. Whilst this is way below the previously available 44cKwh, the case for solar remains compelling in our view. The short term drivers for solar installation in Queensland include: Cutting your daytime electricity usage from the grid. The relatively low available solar feed in tariff means that if you are considering solar then maximum benefit will be derived from matching the solar system size to your daytime electricity load usage. In other words it is beneficial to be using all or as much as the power that the solar panels system produces in your home 8211 ie: 8216offsetting8217 the power that you would otherwise draw from the electricity grid with power from your solar system, saving you money. Given the above strategy, it is important to first examine your electricity usage. Remember that this varies seasonally 8211 for example many Brisbane home owners will be running air-conditioning throughout the warmer months, so power bills are probably higher for many people during the summer months 8211 look at your power bills over the past 18 months and look at your electricity usage. Most reputable solar companies will be able to assist in the assessment of the optimum size of system for you. Reasonably good 8216pay back periods8217. Correct system design and sizing can still offer pay back periods (ie the length of time required to re-coup the outlay of your newly installed solar system) of around 4-5 years. As discussed above, as of November 2014 there are still federal government subsidies in place to make solar installation more affordable. In our view the long term drivers for solar installation in Queensland will be: Expected increases in electricity costs Ongoing increases in 8216affordability8217 of solar installation Solar system efficiency increases mean higher effective financial returns Trend for solar power integration with home energy efficient design You can promptly receive, without any obligation, free solar system quotation for your home . Click here or fill in the form below. Purchasing a Solar System in Brisbane 8211 Tips and Thoughts8230. Brisbane Solar Installers 8211 Profiles (Make Sure You Read This) The nature of the Queensland solar market over the past few years has been very cyclical in nature. There have been 8216boom times8217 for solar installers, when, for example the Government rebates are about to drop and typically there is then a consumer 8216rush8217 to sign up so as to qualify for the current incentives (like the previously available 44 cent feed in tariff). Similarly, when the Federal Government announced the introduction and subsequent implementation of the Carbon Tax, hence creating some concerns about possible electricity pricing increases, the Brisbane market for solar power took off. The nature of this seemingly attractive 8216market8217 has attracted and created a very diverse range of Brisbane solar panel companies. Some of these companies are excellent in terms of their knowledge, both of solar power and installation compliance issues, their ethics 8211 offering the 8216right8217 system to their customers that will meet their needs and their ongoing support for their products and installations. There have also, without doubt, been a number of dubious solar companies emerge that have looked to 8216cash in8217 on available solar incentives and make fast money, without due consideration to solar system quality, back up, installation compliance and honouring warranties etc. So what types of Solar companies are operating in Brisbane: 1. Full Subcontract 8216Sales8217 Solar Companies These are companies that are generally founded by 8216entrepreneurs8217 looking to ride the solar power installation market while it is buoyant. Typically these companies will operate a call centre, manned by commission telephone sales people. They often try and assess your solar needs by doing a study of your homes roof through google maps google earth and come up with a proposal and try and 8216close the sale8217 (usually fairly high pressure, 8216don8217t miss out on the rebate8217 etc) over the telephone. There have been numerous instances where the brand of solar panels and inverters is not disclosed, meaning that low quality parts may be supplied. These companies often carry no inventory of solar components and 8216back to back order8217 8211 ie they only order from suppliers once they have secured customer orders. They may source from a variety of suppliers which again, can lead to very different degrees of quality of the solar parts supplied to you. Installation of the solar system is carried out by a third party. A 8216kit of parts8217 (typically being the solar panels, solar inverter, circuit breakers and electrical isolators and the solar racking system ) is supplied to the installer by the sales company. In general this type of company is to be avoided. 2. Appointment Setting Solar Companies Again, these solar companies are very much 8216sales driven8217. These companies may replicate the sales tactics of 8216Holiday Time Share Apartment8217 and the likes. There approach is to generate enquiries through media campaigns and then insist on visiting you in your home to give you a 8216presentation8217 about solar power. Once in your home you will be given a presentation and then have the 8216hard sell8217 applied to try and get you to sign up for a solar power installation 8216on the spot8217. Again, to be avoided in general. 3. Electricians Electrical Engineers Many electricians and electrical contracting companies have become involved in solar installation in Brisbane. With the correct licencing and accreditation and long standing presence in the area some of these companies have gained good reputations for the quality of their installations. These companies may be less impacted by the ups and downs of the solar industry (as discussed above) as they also do diversified electrical contract work. 4. Energy Retailers Energy retailers (like AGL etc) have been offering solar systems in Queensland for a while. There are mixed views in buying solar power through Brisbane energy retailers. Benefits include. financing generally available, strong company likely to be in business for many years to come, if support or repairs are required. Negatives could include: use subcontract installation generally (again, could be good or not), you need to ensure the manufacturers of the solar panels and inverter are stipulated in any solar quotation they offer. 5. Full Service solar power installation company This could well include the Energy Retailers and Electricians Electrical Engineers. These are companies that employ in house solar designer and accredited installers. have a leaning towards quality, 8216brand name8217 solar components and are preferably based in Brisbane, with many years (verifiable) design and installation experience. Receive. no obligation solar power quotation from Brisbane based solar power installers. Complete this form below and be contacted quickly by us: Solar Quotation 8211 What to look For : 1. We strongly recommend you insist on a site visit, to assess your roof space and give you the opportunity to discuss in detail the installation and options available 2. Any quotation should include an electrical power output summary. This should clearly show what the proposed solar system will generate (including variables like time of year etc) 3. Full Solar component listing. For the solar panels, solar inverter. racking systems etc you should ask to have specified the names of the manufacturer, the warranties offered and how a claim is made should a warranty issue arise 4. Documentation supporting the installers licencing and accreditation for solar power installation in Brisbane. Will the installation be done by the quoting company or by sub-contractors. 5. Will the installation company organise with your energy retailer the new solar meter required after installation and is that cost included in their quotation 6. When will installation take place and how long will it take. 7. Can they offer references 8211 other solar installations in your area you can contact 8. Post installation, will the solar company explain how to read the inverter digital read out and how to check system operation. 9. Is there a follow up inspection 6 or 12 months after installation and can they offer or recommend a solar panel cleaning service if required Brisbane Solar System Design Thoughts As discussed above, in a low feed tariff environment, as currently exists in Brisbane, from a solar system design perspective it is beneficial to export as little solar power back to the grid and use as much of that power in your home. The often touted approach to this is to consciously set appliances like swimming pool pumps, chlorinators, clothes dryers, washing machines to run during the daytime (when your solar system produces power). This is good advice, however solar installation really goes hand in hand with introducing and implementing effective energy saving strategies in your home. By looking at home insulation, possibly replacing outdated, energy usage devices like old pool pumps, where some users have been able to use a pump with 50 the wattage rating yet still retain the same pool performance, replacing inefficient refrigerators with more a more energy efficiency one and possibly considering new generation solar air conditioning and solar hot water systems, you may be able to purchase a smaller solar system. Installation of L. E.D. lighting can save over 70 percent of the power consumption of halogen lighting for example. The C. S.I. R.O8217s Saving Energy In The Home site has further tips on this. December 2013 8211 Solar Panel and Inverter Reviews Over the next few months we will look at various solar panels and inverters used around Brisbane in solar installations. ET Solar Panels Review ET Solar is a German based solar company offering Crystalline Solar PV Modules and Solar solutions. With manufacturing operations in China, ET Solar has joint ventures or tie ups with Solar PV Panel manufacturing companies in China for producing Solar PV Panels in ET Solar brand name. ET solar has worldwide offices in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. ET Solar panels are certified by various world class recognized institutions like TUV Rheinland, Arizona State University, CE, Intertek, VDE and UL. It is noteworthy that ET Solar has established a partnership with UNICEF to integrate solar into sustainable housing projects globally. ET solar has a wide range of module offerings under the crystalline module range. ET solar produces modules using both Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline cells of size 5 Inches and 6 Inches. The power class of ET solar modules range from 180 W 305 W with various cell configurations and cell sizes. Features of ET Solar Panels: High module conversion efficiency. through superior manufacturing technology uses the highest efficiency solar cells to produce the highest power module in that series. 0 to 5W positive tolerance for mainstream products ET solar offers positive tolerance on certain power class modules. This helps the EPC companies and system integrators to optimize their efficiencies during Engineering and Design. Withstand high wind loads and snow loads (5400Pa) As per IEC and UL standards for safety and performance. Anodized aluminum improving corrosion resistance Aesthetically appealing for residential and commercial systems with black back sheet and frame Anti-reflective highly transparent, low iron tempered glass. Excellent performance under low light conditions. Lower light induced degradation (LID) Certified as per International Standards (IEC, UL, VDE, CE) Linear Performance Warranty for the first year from the shipment date of the module, any photovoltaic module under normal application, use, installation and service condition as specified in ET Solar installation manual, will exhibit a power output no less than 97 of the Pmax, from the second year to twenty-five years from the shipment date, the power output will decline annually by no more than 0.65 of the Pmax at Standard Test Conditions. So by the end of 25 years, at least 81.4 of Pmax can be achieved. PV Cycle Member ET Solar is also a PV Cycle member and hence customers buying solar panels from ET solar do not have any issues with disposing of solar panels after their lifetime. Benefits of ET Solar Panels: 25-year linear performance warranty 10-year warranty on materials and workmanship Enhanced design for easy installation and long-term reliability Complete the form above to get 3 totally obligation solar power quotations for your home, from C. E.C. (Clean Energy Council) Brisbane Solar Power installers. Sharp Solar Panels Review Sharp Solar is a Japan based solar company offering Crystalline and Thin Film Solar PV Modules and Solar solutions. Sharp solar is a global solar company with marketing and manufacturing operations spread across the globe. Sharp Solar manufactures both Thin Film and Crystalline technology solar cells and panels. Sharp solar has worldwide offices in Europe, North America, Oceania and Asia Pacific. All sharp Solar panels are certified by various world class recognized institutions as per IEC international standards. Sharp solar in Australia offers only Solar Panels based on crystalline technology. The power class of modules range from 130W to 220W. The 130 Watt modules are of Nominal 12 V rating and are useful for battery charging applications. Features and benefits of Sharp Crystalline Solar Modules in Australia : High-power module (130W 220W) using 156.5mm square multi mono-crystal silicon solar cells with (13.0 14.24) module conversion efficiency Photovoltaic module with bypass diode minimizes the power drop caused by shade Anti reflection coating and BSF (Back Surface Field) structure to improve cell conversion efficiency: (14.7 to 15.99) White tempered glass, EVA resin and a weatherproof film, plus aluminium frame for extended outdoor use Nominal 12 volt output for battery charging applications and higher voltages for other applications. Output terminal: Lead wire with waterproof connector Certifications: IEC 61215 amp IEC 61730 SHARP modules are manufactured in ISO 9001 certified factories Features and benefits of Sharp Thin Film Solar Modules: Tandem-junction structure (amorphous silicon microcrystalline silicon) captures a wider part of the solar spectrum, converting more sunlight into electricity. HIGH VOLTAGE ADVANTAGE Proprietary design increases reliability by minimizing losses caused by module output variation. Microcrystalline layer provides superior long-term stability and higher module efficiency. 25-year limited warranty on power output. Two glass layers laminated with a high performing vapor barrier encapsulant. The front glass has low iron content and the back is tempered for greater strength. The encapsulant has a low moisture vapor transmission which eliminates the need for an edge seal. Modules are sized to optimize the greatest amount of power. With a low temperature coefficient for output power, thin film generates greater energy than its crystalline silicon counterpart in geographic regions where temperatures are high. In warm climates, this translates into more kilowatt-hours per kilowatt. Inverter Reviews The following are articles we have put together on brands of solar inverters used commonly in Brisbane. The Brisbane solar power market is probably offering over 100 different types of inverters currently, so we look at some of the more commonly used inverter brands. Dont get confused by the technical nature of these articles remember the inverters job is to convert the DC electricity produced by the solar panels on your roof into the AC electricity used in your home and fed back onto the electricity grid. SMA Solar Inverter Technology is widely used in Australian solar panel installations and is a globally recognized brand name for Inverters in solar PV applications both off-grid and On-grid. SMA is also the world leader in Inverter solutions for PV applications. SMA has a portfolio of products that covers a wide range of applications that include Medium Power Solutions Inverter solutions for small to medium size solar power plants. Off-Grid Solutions Inverter solutions for solar power plants that are in remote locations and have no grid connectivity or very limited grid connectivity. Large Power Plant solutions Inverter solutions for MW size large solar power plants. Wind Energy Inverters Inverter solutions for wind energy applications Fuel Cell Inverters 8211 Inverter solutions for Fuel Cell applications Monitoring Systems 8211 Provides monitoring solutions for all kinds of inverters. SMA inverters for grid connected power plants range from a 3 KW String Inverter to an 800 KW Central Inverter. SMA inverter solutions are very flexible and modular in nature. It provides the system integrator maximum flexibility during engineering of the solar power plant. The different series of inverters offered by SMA are Sunny Boy Series Sunny boy is the high quality transformerless String inverter series from SMA, commonly used by Brisbane solar installation companies The power rating of these inverters range from a small 0.5 KW up to 10 KW. Few of the inverters in this range are customized for the US market and other models for different markets. Sunny Boy 700-US is the lowest power rating inverters of the entire series starting 575W up to 875W and are UL approved. Sunny Boy HF series inverters are the transformer based inverters with High Frequency technology and provides the maximum yield among the transformer based inverters. Available in ratings of 2KW, 2.5 KW and 3 KW. Sunny Boy 3000TL, 4000TL and 5000TL series of inverters comes with Reactive Power control feature for seamless grid integration and management. These inverters have a high DC Input voltage of 750 Volts and hence fewer parallel strings. All Inverters have an IP65 and IP54 Degree of protection. Sunny Mini Central Sunny Mini Central inverter series are transformerless inverters which have the highest efficiency and provide the highest yield. These inverters have a very good price performance ratio compared to other inverters in this class. Sunny Mini Central Inverters in the power class nine to eleven KW have the feature of Reactive Power control. Highest efficiency of 98. The power class of Sunny Mini Central inverters range from 4.5 KW to 11KW. The Sunny Mini Central 4600A, 5000A and 6000A are installed wherever galvanic isolation is required. 6000A and 5000 A are suitable for use in 3 Phase systems. Sunny Mini Central Inverters can be used to build solar PV plants starting 18 KW up to MW size. Megawatt size plants both Ground Mounted and Rooftop have been built using these inverters. AURORA Inverters Aurora is the brand of inverters produced by Power-Ones Renewable Energy Solutions division. Power-One is one of the world class reputed companies offering the best-in-class inverter solutions for the solar industry and the wind industry. Power-Ones broad range of Aurora products offers industry leading efficiency and reliability, providing customers with high energy yields. The Aurora range of Inverters for solar PV applications includes the following series. Single Phase Inverters includes Aurora Micro, Aurora Optimizer and Aurora Uno Three Phase Inverters includes Aurora Trio, Aurora Lite, Aurora Plus and Aurora Ultra. Aurora Micro The new Aurora 300 W inverter is a new Micro inverter from Power-One which can be used at each Module level or with a couple of modules combined. Micro-inverters have certain advantages over String inverters as they allow you to control the output from each individual module and also can do Maximum Power Point Tracking at module level. Outdoor Inverter for use under extreme weather conditions Increased Energy harvesting due to MPPT algorithm at each module level. No DC input current ripple. Up to 10 micro inverters can be directly connected in a string. High redundancy because only one module will be affected in case of a component failure. Aurora Optimizer The Aurora 300W optimizer uses a DC-to-DC booster technology to maximize energy output from each module. Normally in Solar installations, solar panels are connected in a serial pattern and there by failure or reduction of output in any one module affects the entire array output. Modules mismatch can be optimized. Better tolerance during module shadings. Distributed MPPT for energy maximization compensation against natural modules de-rating Highest efficiency up to 99.5. Aurora UNO The Aurora Uno series of inverters have both Indoor and Outdoor models. The power class range from 2 KW up to 6 KW. The PVI-2000 and PVI-3600 are the only two indoor models in this series. UNO-2.0-I-OUTD amp UNO-2.5-I-OUTD are outdoor inverters with a HF Transformer for Isolation. UNO-2.0-I-OUTD-US amp UNO-2.5-I-OUTD-US are the models for the US market. PVI-2000-OUTD is an outdoor transformer less inverter. PVI-3.0-TL-OUTD, PVI-3.6-TL-OUTD amp PVI-4.2-TL-OUTD models are transformerless inverters for the world market. PVI-3.0-OUTD-US, PVI-3.6-OUTD-US amp PVI-4.2-OUTD-US models are transformerless inverters for the US market. PVI-3.8-I-OUTD amp PVI-4.6-I-OUTD are outdoor inverters with a HF Transformer for Isolation. PVI-3.8-I-OUTD-US amp PVI-4.6-I-OUTD-US are the models for the US market. PVI-5000-TL amp PVI-6000-TL inverter models are available for both US markets and non US markets separately. Each inverter has specific grid codes and is field selectable. Wide DC voltage input range. Precise and high speed MPPT algorithm for real time tracking. RS-485 communication interface. Aurora TRIO Aurora Trio is the series of Three Phase Inverters for outdoor applications. The power class range from 10 KW up to 27.6 KW. They are available in different models for US and Canada market. The different models are PVI-10KW amp 12 KW with Isolation transformers. PVI-10.0-TL amp PVI-12.5-TL are the transformerless inverters. TRIO-27.6-TL amp TRIO-20.0-TL are transformerless inverters with efficiency ratings up to 98.2. Electrolyte Free power converter for longer life. True Three Phase bridge topology for DCAC output converter. Integrated string combiner box Every inverter has specific grid codes that are field selectable. High speed and precise MPPT algorithm for real time tracking and higher energy yields. Dual MPPTs for better energy harvesting from two different sub-arrays at different orientations. Outdoor design for use in extreme weather conditions. Frequently Asked Questions How Has Solar Power Uptake In Brisbane Changed Over the Last Few Years Interesting question. It has been widely reported that Australia has (of April 2013) over one million homes with solar panels installed now on their roofs. So clearly solar power uptake has been incredibly 8216successful8217 in this country. Regardless of your political view point, much of the 8216credit8217 for the solar roll out over the last few years has to be put down to Federal Government initiatives to offer reduced start up costs for solar panels installation via their Solar Credits scheme and their Renewable Energy Target. which sets a goal of reaching electricity produced in Australia to hit twenty percent by the year 2020. The Queensland state Government certainly further ignited the interest and subsequent number of Brisbane solar installations when they bought in their possibly over generous 44 cent feed tariff, as discussed above. This had its definite pro8217s and con8217s8217: Previous Qld. 44 cent Feed In Tariff Pro8217s: Ignited uptake of solar panels installation in Brisbane Created over 22,000 jobs in Brisbane directly related to solar power installation Coupled with the Federal Government Solar credits scheme, the high solar feed in tariff created a very competitive market for solar. The upside being that solar system prices decreased by over 63 percent in just 4 years (to August 2012). In 2008 for example a 1.5Kw solar system (typically, the smallest system installed in Brisbane) would cost a homeowner anywhere from 5,500- 12,000. At the 8216peak8217 of the market, in 2012, there were many Brisbane solar installers offering a 1.5Kw system for as low as 850 An 8216indirect8217 8216pro8217 of the high feed tariff and subsequent high solar uptake was the definite increase amongst solar users of an 8216energy saving awareness8217. It is without doubt the case that more often than not, solar power system owners become far more aware of their energy consumption and often take new measures once solar is installed, to increase their homes8217 energy usage matrix 8211 that is seek to replace energy inefficient appliance 9old fridges, non-inverter technology air conditioners etc) with low electricity usage devices and they will often implement improved home insulation methods. This may well be one of the 8216unmeasured8217 financial benefits of solar installation . Solar Home Energy Efficiency Very Significant Electricity Usage Reductions Previous Qld. 44 cent Feed In Tariff Con8217s: Its is fair to say, (at least in our view), that the high f. i.t. and resultant 8216surge8217 in interest around Brisbane for solar panels, bought many business 8216cowboys8217 into the Brisbane solar marketplace. A look through some of the consumer watchdogs (fair trading) website highlights cases where companies were accepting payments from solar customers and never getting the systems installed. Other unfortunate instances like non compliant, low quality installations have occurred. As more and more people saw solar installation in brisbane as a way of making a quick profit, the number of solar companies swelled and subsequently, in an attempt to capture as much market share as possible, particularly on having the lowest price, many of these companies started sourcing lower quality solar panels and solar inverters from china, sometimes with disatrous impacts on the customers who purchased systems using these parts. very high equipment fault rates were reported for some of these parts and in some instances the warranties were not honoured by the unstalling company. Reputation of Solar Power Impacted 8211 for a while, particularly after the wide scale reporting of issues highlighted above, the Brisbane solar market, many would say, was tainted by these complaints. In essence a solar system and its installation should be fairly 8216pain free8217 provided quality panels, solar inverters and installation (compliant with regulations and done by accredited installers) is supplied. Because a solar system is a 8216static system8217, meaning there are no moving parts, it should operate reliably and with minimal maintenance for 20 to 30 years, providing the electricity savings and environmental 8216carbon reduction8217 for which it was designed. How Do Weather Conditions In Brisbane Impact Solar System Output Ok, so you have your new solar system installed via a reputable local solar installer. So, on a day to day basis what kind of solar electric output could you expect, assuming the system has been properly installed with, correct solar panel orientation, correct pitch of solar panels, quality installation ensuring compliance and minimising system losses etc etc Lets take an example of a 4.5 KWatt system. Weather conditions make a huge difference on a day to day basis, obviously, in determining how much power your system produces. In Brisbane, the often touted figure of 4.2 hours per day, average sunlight is a reasonable average to work from, meaning, on average a 4.5 Kwatt solar system would produce 4.5 x 4.2 18.9 Kwh of power per day. Ok, so how much variance can we get from this average Rainy Days or Very Overcast Weather Conditions. It is interesting to realise that on a very overcast or rainy Brisbane day the same system may only produce a few kilowatts of power, literally 3 to 6 Kwh. Optimum Bright Sunny Conditions: At the other weather extreme, a perfectly clear day with full sunshine in summer could produce an output of over 24 Kwh on that day. The seemingly changing seasons (which may or may not be attributed to global warming), can produce unseasonally wet summers, meaning that the total annual solar output of your system may be less than estimated at the time of solar quotation (we strongly recommend getting in writing the expected output of the systems you are being quoted) or the reverse could apply. So we are dealing with averages, both in the short term (daily basis) and long term (yearly output). Are The Solar Panels Mounted directly Onto My Roof From the road, looking at solar panels mounted on Brisbane roofs, it often appears that the solar panels are mounted flush onto the roof. Actually, it is important that this is not the case in practice. Because there is an inverse relationship between solar p. v. output and temperature. we want the solar panels to 8216run8217 or operate at as low a temperature as possible. By having correct installation of the panels, where there is space between the back of the panel and the roof surface, this allows for air circulation behind the solar panels allowing for cooling of them. This is another reason why ensuring that the quality of the installation of the solar system is given priority and that buying 8216on price8217 alone may well be an unwise decision. If Sunlight Is Blocked By Surrounding trees Will This Effect The Output Of My Solar System The efficiency of a solar system is, in part, reliant on the solar panels receiving the maximum possible amount of sunlight to achieve their rated output. In Brisbane, commonly used mono-crystalline panels are generally sized from 190 watts up to 250 watts, with expectation that in 2014 300 watt panels may become more commonly used. Solar system design should always include maximising the 8216system efficiency8217 and taking shadow cast onto your solar panels is absolutely critical at the 8216design stage8217 8211 ie: well before you sign a contract to purchase and proceed with the installation of the system. Most reputable solar installers in Brisbane will offer a full shade analysis of the roof area where the proposed solar system will be installed. Remember shadows cast on your roof area move throughout the day and it is very important to ensure that the proposed area for the installation of the solar panels has no shading at all if at all possible, but, as a bare minimum, receive no shade from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. If this is not the case, then installing solar probably is not a good idea for your home, unless an alternative location for the panels can be found. The introduction in the last couple of years of 8216micro-inverter8217 technology may be able to assist in the case of minimal shading. Micro-inverters are small inverters that are used separately on each and every solar panel installed in a system. The benefit (amongst others) are that they can maximise individual solar panel efficiency and maximise the entire system (ie: all panels) performance, in that, for example, a solar panel effected by part shading will not 8216drag down8217 the other panels receiving full sunlight. This may be an option for some systems where shading could be an issue, but tread carefully. micro-inverters generally add cost to the overall solar system cost and the more components used in the system, the higher the potential for failure there is. If I do not have a North facing Roof are there any other options. It could be worth discussing with solar installers the pros and cons of having the panels installed in an Easterly and Westerly direction. Over the last few years there has been increasing interest in this type of solar panel orientation. It can work to meet some of your homes electricity demand in the mornings and late afternoon if you have a reasonable electricity usage during those periods. When you plot the output from a solar system with this dual panel orientation, the output tends to be more flatter 8211 ie: more constant throughout the day than with the traditionally installed north facing panels. This needs to be carefully thought through and discussed in detail with prospective installers. Issues such as your roofs pitch, morning or late afternoon shading onto the panels, prevalence of afternoon thunder storms etc could make this arrangement untenable. The inveter needs to be able to accept the split panel locations and the available feed in tariff needs to factored in as does your pattern of electricity usage. Still it may be an option if a north facing roof is not available and may offer benefits depending on your situation. I8217m building a new house 8211 Can the Solar Panels be Built into the New Home The next generation of integrated solar panels for residential housing will likely be through the application of organic photovoltaics or O. P.V.8217s (see our recent article describing this emerging technology here ). The C. S.I. R.O. has, this year, commissioned Australia8217s largest (to date) facility for printing these 8216thin film8217 solar cells and the current sizes available range up to A3 size (297mm x 420mm). As mentioned in the C. S.I. R.O.8217s video below, initial target applications are consumer electronics and integrated electronics. O. P.V.8217s lend themselves perfectly to 8216on board battery charger applications. The application for this technology in integrating it into roof tiling and sheeting. home walls and even windows will possibly make the types of solar panel installations currently seen, a thing of the past, certainly for newly constructed homes, within a few years. How Does Queensland Compare With Other States In Solar Installations As of the end of 2012 the Clean Energy Council reported that 31 percent of solar capacity was installed in Queensland. Compare this with 22 percent in N. S.W. 18 percent in Victoria and 15 percent in South Australia. Queensland8217s climate and relatively long periods of sunshine, coupled with the previously available generous 44 cent feed tariff have driven this phenomenal solar uptake. Whilst the market in Brisbane (as of November 2103) has slowed the trend for solar uptake is likely to continue well into the future, driven by increasing energy costs. Important Website Disclaimer: Whilst making every effort to ensure that the information on this website is current and accurate we accept no responsibility or liability for any inaccuracies of information on the website or failure to keep the information on this website up to date. Users of this website should verify the information before acting on it. 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